About Us

 "GetExtra.in: Empowering Minds Through Educational Audiobooks"


"GetExtra.in" is an innovative online platform that revolutionizes the way students learn by offering a comprehensive collection of educational audiobooks. Founded in 2023, the platform aims to bridge the gap between traditional learning methods and the evolving needs of modern learners. Through its vast library of syllabus-related audiobooks, GetExtra.in seeks to empower students of all ages and backgrounds with accessible and engaging educational resources.

Early Beginnings and Vision:

The inception of GetExtra.in can be traced back to the visionary minds of [@arjun_apparao_jadhav]. Driven by a shared passion for education and technology, they recognized the untapped potential of audiobooks as a powerful medium for disseminating knowledge. With the vision of making learning enjoyable, convenient, and inclusive, they embarked on a journey to create an enriching educational platform that caters to diverse learners.

Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage:

At the heart of GetExtra.in lies its extensive collection of educational audiobooks that align with various educational syllabi. From primary grades to higher education, the platform caters to a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Science, History, Literature, and more. These carefully curated audiobooks are authored by renowned educators and subject matter experts, ensuring the highest quality of content delivery.

Engaging Learning Experience:

The team at GetExtra.in understands that every learner is unique, and learning styles may vary. To cater to this diversity, the platform ensures a dynamic and immersive learning experience through its interactive audiobooks. Students can follow along with the text, take notes, and even participate in quizzes and discussions, fostering active engagement and retention of knowledge.

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

One of the core principles of GetExtra.in is to make education accessible to all. By providing audio-based learning resources, the platform breaks down barriers for differently-abled students, English language learners, and those with reading challenges. The audiobooks empower such students to embrace their academic journey with confidence, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Collaborative Learning Community:

GetExtra.in goes beyond merely offering audiobooks; it fosters a vibrant learning community where students can collaborate, share insights, and seek guidance from peers and educators alike. The platform's discussion forums and interactive study groups enable students to engage in meaningful academic conversations, enhancing their understanding of complex topics.

Constant Innovation and Expansion:

To stay at the forefront of educational technology, GetExtra.in is committed to continuous innovation. The platform regularly updates its offerings, incorporating emerging trends and incorporating feedback from its users. Additionally, it strives to expand its partnerships with educational institutions and experts, fostering a robust ecosystem that nurtures learning and academic excellence.


GetExtra.in has carved a niche in the educational landscape by championing the use of audiobooks to facilitate learning in an engaging and inclusive manner. Through its diverse and comprehensive syllabus-related content, the platform plays a pivotal role in shaping the minds of students and inspiring a lifelong love for learning. With its unwavering commitment to empowering minds, GetExtra.in is set to redefine the future of education, one audiobook at a time.

Founder & CEO
Arjun Apparao jadhav
(Bachelors's in Computer Application)

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